Avatar billede doctorpurple Nybegynder
16. april 2002 - 08:47 Der er 9 kommentarer og
1 løsning


jeg kunne godt tænke mig at få lidt hjælp til adodc controlden hvordan skifter jeg recordsource ( SQL command text ) i RUN time... på forhånd tak jeg sætter pointene lidt høj i håb om at få lidt hjælp hvis jeg indlægger en kommentar til et andet problem
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
16. april 2002 - 09:19 #1
what is it you want to do exactly? Can you give an example?
Avatar billede doctorpurple Nybegynder
16. april 2002 - 09:24 #2
with adodc1
.recordsource "select * from xxx where xxx = xxx
end with
somthing like that.... I just dont know how to do it right
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
16. april 2002 - 10:10 #4
Here is a very simple example:
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim sSQL As String

    cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & App.Path & "\ado.mdb"
    With rs
        sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE fld1 = " & InputBox("Enter something ", "", "")
        .Open sSQL, cn
        Do Until .EOF
            Debug.Print "Field 1 =" & rs("fld1") & " SomeShit =" & rs("someshit")
    End With
I can send you the database (Acces) and VB code if you like?
Avatar billede doctorpurple Nybegynder
16. april 2002 - 10:19 #5
i dont know how it works with adodc control I pretty much a newbie too this thing
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
16. april 2002 - 11:04 #6
You should be able to set the recordsource, if this is what you mean!

datPrimaryRS.RecordSource = "select fld1,fld2 from tbl1 WHERE fld1 = 1"
Avatar billede doctorpurple Nybegynder
16. april 2002 - 11:08 #7
what is datprimaryrs i only have a adodc control and a datagrid on my form
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
16. april 2002 - 11:12 #8
can you send me the application? If so, zipped to dktebrsa@europe.lego.com
Avatar billede doctorpurple Nybegynder
16. april 2002 - 11:16 #9
I have completet now adodc1.recordsource = Text1.text

thanks a lot can i ask you questions if i need some help another til...
Im happy it works and it it easy ..
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
16. april 2002 - 11:22 #10
I dont mind if its a short question, but you should go through eksperten, thats where the points are :o)
Also you may get a number of different answers which can also help learning!

Thanks :o)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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