Terms of trade for business partners

General terms and conditions

General conditions for advertising:

Online advertisement material must be received at kundeservice@cw.dk before 10:00 AM three weekdays prior to the commencement of a campaign. The banner material for ownerships/wallpapers must be delivered five days before campaign start.
Advertisement banners for Computerworld’s sites must be designed in a way that they cannot be mistaken for editorial content. The editorial team reserves the right to remove the advertisement banner from the site, without warning, should this rule be neglected. Banners on

Computerworld’s sites are hosted by Google Ad Manger.

Computerworld is a member of Danske Medier and apply to their general rules.

See http://danskemedier.dk/maalinger/

You can find material deadlines for each printed issue here: https://www.computerworld.dk/fil/198494

Any cancellations must be in writing and received by Computerworld no later than 10 days before the advertisement deadline. In case Computerworld receives requests concerning modifications on advertisements after material deadline, the right of complaint regarding any errors in the advertisement due to this, is consequently annulled.

Objections regarding any advertisement errors must be in writing and received by Computerworld no later than eight days from the publication date. In case the number of insertions agreed upon in the order confirmation is not met within a year, any discounts will be reversed at the current list price.

All rights of complaint are discontinued in the event that given deadlines are exceeded.

Please refer to the current media information at: https://www.jobindexmedia.dk/medieinformationer

General conditions for partnerships on events:

Registration for Computerworld’s events & conferences is binding and cancellations will not be accepted later than 3 months prior to the date of the event/conference. In case of cancellation after this deadline you will be charged for any marketing of the event that has already taken place. The number of executed marketing activities depends on proximity to the date of the event. Any cancellations received within a month before the event date will not be accepted.

General conditions for lead generation:

When an agreement about lead generation is made and Computerworld has received the whitepaper, the campaign is activated. This kind of campaign can therefor only be cancelled for payment of the part of the campaign that has already been executed

Terms of payment:

The fixed time of credit for advertisement and yearly subscriptions is net cash from date of invoice +8 days unless another agreement has been made in writing.
The fixed time of credit for events and conferences is net cash from invoice date, sent 30 days ahead of the execution date. Invoice amount becomes due 14 days ahead of the execution date.

In case the pay date is overrun Computerworld reserves the right to charge a reminder fee and calculate an interest of 1,5% per month.

All prices are excluding value added tax unless otherwise stated.

Computerworld’s ownership and the customer’s right of usage:

Computerworld has complete copyright, title to, and all other rights to its products, including personal data and other data gathered and stored in relation to the products. Computerworld thereby owns, and is responsible for, the personal data, handled in connection with the products.

You/your organization have a right to use Computerworld’s products to the extent and on the conditions, that has been agreed upon by the parties, including the right to access the relevant personal data. You are solely responsible for the personal data gathered from Computerworld by you/your organization.

After passing on the data to you, Computerworld continually stores and processes the passed-on data and personal data in connection with the products. Computerworld thereby retains the right of ownership to data connected to the products, and is continuously solely responsible for personal data, that Computerworld processes in connection with the products.

Contact us:

Contact us by e-mail: kundeservice@cw.dk and/or by phone +45 77 300 300.

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